Gabriele Antonini MD PhD

Uro-Andrological mini Invasive Surgery

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Gabriele Antonini MD PhD

Researcher and Aggregate Professor at the Sapienza University of Rome. For more than 10 years he has been the urologist who successfully implanted the largest number of hydraulic penile prostheses in Italy. It is the first and only in Europe to carry out the minimally invasive technique of a three-component hydraulic penile prosthesis implanted by the American colleague Dr. Paul Perito with whom he has a continuous collaboration in the United States of America. First Surgeon in the World and the only one authorized by the Government to carry out and teach the Penis Prosthesis implant in Cuba where he created a center of sexual medicine of reference for all of South America. Member of the International Board of the 20 leading world experts in penile prosthetic implantology.

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Gabriele Antonini

Graduate of Medicine and Surgery in 1998 at the University of Rome “La Sapienza,” specialized in Urology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 2005.

Plasma Cells for DE

Increased feelings of pleasure with improved sexual performance and a drastic reduction in penile curvature in case of deformity.

Penile Prosthesis

The materials utilized by Prof. Antonini are of the latest generation, with the guarantee of optimal aesthetic and functional result.


From an international collaboration between Antonini Urology and Perito Urology, thanks to a groundbreaking technique, it is possible.




Hydraulic Penile
Prosthesis Implants


Male Genital

Featured News

Fotografia prof. Antonini e Perito

Penis Prosthesis: Antonini first in Italy

The secret of a success. Interview with the major Urologist implantator in Italy Antonini what is a penile prosthesis?
It is an endocavernous device constituted.


Fotografica Prof. Antonini e Gallucci

Italian Urology becomes Hi-Tech

Rome, 20 October 2018 – For those who have prostate cancer and must undergo radical removal there is a hi-tech option, which involves a robotic surgery followed by implantation.


Fotografia di sala operatoria per protesi peniena

Penile prosthesis: the new minimally invasive technique

“Many patients give up an active sex life because the thought of implanting a penile prosthesis is experienced as a deficit and an impairment.


Prof. Antonini saluta il Santo Padre in partenza per il Kenya e Uganda

Antonini greets the Holy Father

Dr. Antonini greets Pope Francis before leaving for his first trip to Africa: six days in Kenya, Uganda and Central Africa.
“Message of peace and


Paul Perito MD

Dr. Antonini is the only one in Europe to carry out the Mini Invasive Technique of a three-component hydraulic penile prosthesis implant by Prof. Paul Perito of Miami. Prof Perito is the urologist surgeon who numbers the most implants in the world. He codified the minimally invasive prosthetic implant technique and succeeded in implanting the 

prosthesis in 20 minutes with a minimum surgical access of just 2 cm at the base of the penis.
Dr. Antonini regularly carries out training for specialists in Rome at the Sapienza University and actively collaborates with the Coral Gables Hospital in Miami, Florida, working with Prof. Perito, Italian patients also in the United States of America.

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